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Vision - 4 Pillars


Pillar 1 - "Beauty Will Save the World"

To bring back to the forefront the arts as a method of encounter AND as a method of evangelization.  The Catholic arts is a beacon of beauty and image of Christ's love for the Church.  The Church was once heralded as the epitome and conduit of divine beauty, a leader of the arts...why are we not leading the way?


Pillar 2 - "Young Adult Community"

There continues to be a need for a renaissance of young adults returning to the font of life and grace provided by the Church.  In collaboration with established relationships, the BD Initiative will be a source and beacon of hope and consolation for lost generations of young people.  This will be most notably felt amongst our young artists.


Pillar 3 - "Apostleship & Discipleship"

The BD Initiative will be a place and source for all parishes and religious communities to help mold members and parishioners into first, DISCIPLES, and then second, APOSTLES, to then help rebuild and renew their parishes and communities and then evangelize their surrounding communities.


Pillar 4 - "Education & Formation"

The BD Initiative will provide opportunities for adult level formation in person (and some online) that is accessible, affordable, and continues to help build support and community



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